The Symbolism of the Hands of Christ in Sacred Art

Did you know…

…that there are symbolic meanings to the body positions and gestures in sacred art? Maybe you’ve noticed certain posture or pattern appear across artists and styles, and guessed at what it means.

Especially around Christmas, we see so many unique depictions of the infant Jesus and the Holy Family. When you look closely, you may notice baby Jesus’ small hand in a particular position. Have you ever stopped to wonder what it means?

Let us take a moment to consider what message the small details in sacred art are giving to us!

You may have seen this hand position used during the mass by the priest to give blessing. This position is a blessing and represents Trinitarian love. In addition to signifying a blessing that the Lord is speaking, these uplifted three fingers convey doctrinal truth: the unity of God in the Holy Trinity… Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Let’s look closer!

The two fingers that come downward toward the palm depict the Incarnation—the union of Christ’s two natures – divine and human – in the person of Christ.

Who knew all that was being said in one simple hand position!

Where else have you seen Christ’s fingers in this position?

Here, Christ brings life where there was death. We see the themes of two natures at work: With His humanity, Christ feels compassion and tenderly touches the head. With His divinity, He breathes new life into her. The title of this piece, Arise, is Christ’s invitation to us. He invites us into union with Him, and holds His blessing over our life. How will we respond?

What do you see in Christ’s hands in this image, Yeshua?

First, they are pierced with the wounds of the Cross. Reminders of His sacrifice. His right hand points right to His heart – where He is beckoning us to come. His left hand is outstretched – inviting us to take hold! If you look closely, you’ll notice the familiar symbol of the trinity in three fingers outstretched and two held against His palm. How amazing that the person of Christ – fully united through the Mystery of the Trinity – is present to us in this intimate, person-to-person way?

The next time you see an image of Christ, notice His hands. What is He saying to your heart? How is He calling you to know Him, to receive His blessing over your life, to take hold of His hand?

May you feel encouraged and emboldened as you pray with sacred art to know Christ in a new way – all through the symbolism of His hands!

Tell me, have you heard about this before?

Kate Capato

Kate is a Sacred Art Painter, Inspirational Speaker, and Faith-filled Movement artist on a mission to spread God's love through beauty! Her inspiration comes from prayerful encounters with the Lord, and the rich traditions of our Catholic faith. When she's not creating something faith inspired, Kate is often traveling all over the world with her hubby soaking in the wonders of God's creation, or spending time with family and friends to live every moment to the fullest. To see her work, visit her portfolio below and share in this mission of spreading truth and goodness.

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