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Many communities are in need of beauty to reach more hearts. God has called Kate and Pawel to do this work full time as a family but not everyone has the means to bring this mission to their community. It is their goal to not limit who and where they serve, and to be able to continue to invest in this work full time, as a family. This means, they need your help to continue sharing this mission all over the world.
Take part in the new Renaissance and help Kate and Pawel reach those who can't afford to bring Sacred Beauty Events or Sacred Art into their parish, donate any amount to help this cause.
By clicking the "Donate Now" button, you will be redirected to PayPal where you can make a secure one time donation or become a patron of the Catholic Arts by signing up for recurring monthly or annual payments. Your gift is greatly appreciated and is a ripple of God's love to many!
Become a patron of the sacred arts!!