It is a prayer-filled journey. A commissioner would communicate their hope to Kate and she takes it and prays with it, asking the Lord to guide and inspire the image. He is the main artist. Once receiving from the Holy Spirit, sketches are created to propose several options to choose from. From there, real models are used to actualize the chosen composition and the final work is painted in oil paints on a fine linen canvas. Kate consistently communicates with each commissioner and continues to pray throughout, making it a process that is ultimately lead by the Holy Spirit.
Working with Kate was an experience I will never forget but hope to repeat. It was very important for me to work with an artist with a deep interior life. That is Kate. You see it in the finished work. The light of the Holy Spirit is evident. The reveal event, not only allowed people to encounter the finished work, but also see how this piece advances the presence of beauty, so desperately needed in our time. I look forward to seeing how the Lord impacts hearts as they gaze upon this image for years to come.
This painting certainly holds the power of raising our minds and hearts to God. I receive great joy also in knowing many prayers went into creating this painting. What makes Kate’s work that much more magnificent is the fact that it’s the fruit of her own prayer. It’s not just art, it truly is sacred art.
I knew what I wanted to say or show in the painting but had no idea of how to actually express it. It was as if God was the mediator between myself and Kate, allowing her to understand and interpret what I wanted through her art. I’ve never experienced something like it in my life.
I had a very clear picture in my mind of this scene from scripture that was very important to me. Working with Kate to bring it to life was a dream come true. It was so evident that Kate infuses her talent and professionalism with a very deep prayer life and inspiration from the Holy Spirit. I struggled to find the right words to convey the vision I had for this, but she asked the Holy Spirit to guide her and when she showed me the image, I was immediately (and involuntarily!) moved to tears. She nailed it - it was exactly as it was in my head. The final painting turned out just as I had imagined and it brings so much joy to see it every day. We are already dreaming up the next thing to work with Kate on. She is a delightful person and wonderful to work with.
This was our first experience commissioning art and Kate made the process simple and seamless! We truly appreciated the time and prayer that she put into each step of the creative process because it resulted in a true and beautiful devotional that will be in our home for years to come.
If you are already set on the exact composition or want a precise replica of what is in your mind or in a photo/another painting you have seen, it may not be a good fit as this limits Kate’s creative skills and can even cross over to copyright infringement. While Kate is happy to see what inspires you, she will not copy other work due to work integrity and specific technique requirements on her end. Please also note, what may work in photos you have seen or movies, often will not translate well into a classical painting. So if you want something exactly like or very close to a photo or movie you have seen and are less open to a translation of those moments, Kate may not be the best fit for your needs.
If you are already set on the exact composition or want a precise replica of what is in your mind or in a photo/another painting you have seen, it may not be a good fit as this limits Kate’s creative skills and can even cross over to copyright infringement. While Kate is happy to see what inspires you, she will not copy other work due to work integrity and specific technique requirements on her end. Please also note, what may work in photos you have seen or movies, often will not translate well into a classical painting. So if you want something exactly like or very close to a photo or movie you have seen and are less open to a translation of those moments, Kate may not be the best fit for your needs.
You are looking for something fast. Kate works in prayer and many layers, this process will be a journey and cannot be rushed. In addition to the wait time (due to others in line), each work takes a minimum of 4 months to be ready due to the full process and dry times needed.
You have no idea what you want yet…this may mean you wait a bit until you formulate a general theme and reason for the creation of the art (Key word is general, as you don’t need to come up with the whole idea). Unless you truly just want anything original by Kate and have no preference. Why is it recommended to wait a bit if you are not sure ? Prices are based off of the time it takes to create a work and often when someone is not sure of what they want the sketching stage is extended which will increase your fees and time frame.
• Do you create for churches or homes?
• What Materials do you use?
• Do I need to figure out the exact idea upfront?
• How Long is the process?
• Do You Offer Mural Sizes for Churches?
• How Much Does a Painting Cost?
• Do you offer portraits?
• Do you do book covers?
• Can you paint from a photo I have?
• Can My Family Member be in it?
No! All you need to do is know the why behind the image and which Saint or aspect of Christ etc you want most portrayed. It is Kate's job to pray and come up with the composition and details. In fact, it is much better if you come with an open idea to truly let the Holy Spirit lead.
The time varies from 4 to 10 months (longer for murals) depending on size and theme. It is best to connect with Kate to have a better idea. Please also note, it is common to have a wait time before your project would begin as Kate is often already booked with several commissions.
Kate typically will not use a photo of yours to paint as she works with real models and her own created reference images to create a work. Most often photos are not suitable for painting due to low quality or proportions being off etc. If you would like to discuss your thoughts, please reach out today for more information.
Kate offers Sacred works that focus on the Saints, Jesus, Marian titles, Theological topics and Biblical topics. She uses real models so will not work from any photos that you may have. While Kate does not offer putting any family members into images, Chat with Kate to see about other creative alternatives to reference what is important to you through things like symbology.
The Father never tires of us coming home. He RUNS after us while we are still far off. We are the son who often squanders our inheritance. We run away with and to 'things' thinking that they will satisfy our aching hearts. What is left? We come up broken and empty. All along, it was THE FATHER who we needed and longed for. Everything He has is ours, yes, but HE is what our hearts were made for and He never tires running to meet us when we turn back to Him. He runs through thorns and darkness, chasms and whatever it takes to bring us back HOME.
This painting was created to go alongside Fr Mark-Mary's latest book, The Father. I was humbled to be asked to paint it and meditate on this moment. It began while I was pregnant and was filled with joy to share it for the first time in public, with my new little son present. God is good! Prints coming soon!
Jesus really said, "This is my body." I'm so grateful He gives us His glorified flesh and blood that we may become FULLY one with Him. Not just symbolically or spiritually but in body and soul. He aches to have us United with Him. He died for this very purpose, to erase all obstacles that separated us from Him.
This oil painting depicts Christ offering us His very self. It shows us, outside of time, what that really means for us. What a gift we really have that we can't fully fathom this side of life. But praise be to Jesus for it!!
What was that moment truly like, I wonder, when Jesus meets the woman at the well and peers deep into her heart??? Did it shake her? Did she feel immense peace and conviction? What would I have done? As I meditate on this moment, I feel there would have been different reactions depending on where I was in life. But the thing is, Jesus always meets us at the right moment.
Jesus says to her and to us, "Everyone who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give will never thirst again." and after calling out her and our many husbands (idols) and her hope for the Messiah, He says, "I who speak to you am He."
I painted this image of the woman pouring out the water she just drew as she gazes upon The ONE. Recognizing FINALLY that everything and everyone else she's clung to who never satisfy her but Jesus will.
Pray with this image and ask ourselves what idols have taken the place of Christ in our hearts. Who or what have we made our 'spouse' before God himself. That is what do we think of most often and breathe for?? If it is not for Christ, we must ask the Lord to re order our hearts and help us remember He is the only one that will satisfy our aching hearts... nothing else will do.
The evil one tries to tear the little ones from God's heart...the battle is real. He knows that they are POWERFUL because of their innocence and connection to the Lord.
I felt called to show St Rose in her younger years to recall what God can do in young hearts. If you know St Rose's story, it began with a beautiful connection to the Lord and her heart was won over by God. At a young age she chose to live for Christ. Jesus would even come to her and teach her how to read and write (which is happening in this painting). I believe Jesus comes to the little one's often but if we are not careful society will steal this time from them.
May we safeguard the young and allow them to become Saints for the Kingdom, may we cultivate in them a spirit of prayer and connection to the King of Kings. May we relish in the ways that they marvel at life and may we teach them how to reject the lies of the evil one so they may remain strong in God.
This Saint is one of many examples of how grace can work in any age. St Rose truly lived a life for the Lord. She knew that suffering in this life would bring great joy in the next life. She did not get distracted by the what the world offers and kept her gaze on the Lord. Not everyone is called to the same types of mortifications she entered into, but we are all called to the cross that we too may share in Christ's resurrection.
St Rose is one of my favorite saints, technically my confirmation saint, because I LOVED how Jesus would come to her and speak to her even as a young girl. This is what my heart longs for, to hear the Lord. Nothing else satisfies the heart. So it was extra special painting this one 😉
All of these well known saints, you see here, prayed deeply and lived lives of great virtue. This image is a simple reflection of the power prayer has to bring us together into the communion of saints. All united under the name of Christ along our journey of life. Time is of no importance in this journey, for we are all united with our Lord. Furthermore, in prayer, Christ is born within us. As you can see the Blessed Mother is impregnated with Our Savior. This happens within us to us too when we pray much.
Let us walk together in prayer.
Here are some powerful reflections of prayer by JP2 and Mother T:
“Remember that you are never alone, Christ is with you on your journey every day of your lives! He has called you and chosen you to live in the freedom of the children of God. Turn to Him in prayer and in love. Ask Him to grant you the courage and strength to live in this freedom always. Walk with Him who is ‘the Way, the Truth and the Life.’”
“The Rosary is my favorite prayer. A marvelous prayer! Marvelous in its simplicity and its depth. In the prayer we repeat many times the words that the Virgin Mary heard from the Archangel, and from her kinswoman Elizabeth.”
“Prayer, intimate dialogue with the One who is calling you to be His disciples, must come first. Be generous in your active life … and be deeply immersed in the contemplation of God’s mystery. Make the Eucharist the heart of your day.”
“Prayer joined to sacrifice constitutes the most powerful force in human history.”
“If you really wish to follow Christ, if you want your love for him to grow and last, then you must be faithful to prayer. It is the key to the vitality of your life in Christ. Without prayer, your faith and love will die. If you are constant in daily prayer and in the Sunday celebration of Mass, your love for Jesus will increase. And your heart will know deep joy and peace, such as the world could never give.” JP2
“You can pray while you work. Work doesn’t stop prayer and prayer doesn’t stop work. It requires only that small raising of the mind to him: I love you God, I trust you, I believe in you, I need you now. Small things like that. They are wonderful prayers.”
“Love to pray. Take the trouble to pray. Prayer opens your heart until it is big enough to hold and keep God. We must know Jesus in prayer before we can see him in the broken bodies of the poor.”
“Deep down in every human heart there is knowledge of God. And deep down in every human heart is the desire to communicate with Him.” Mother T
The other day in prayer, I felt the Lord’s heart weeping. The feeling was strong and undeniable. He was sad by how many doubt His true presence in the Eucharist, by how many of us are careless in receiving Him at mass, by how many of us who forget what is actually taking place when we consume His body and blood. We receive the King of Kings and often don’t even say hello. Though it may sound strange to some, Christ aches to marry us, and to be untied fully with us. He literally gives us His body, and the moment of consuming Him is an invitation into consummation with Him! But we have forgotten, or worse yet, choose not to believe. We are hurting the one who loves us most.
Maybe we’ve never really thought about it much, or didn’t learn much about it. If that’s the case, now is the time to ask those hard questions to the Lord and search for the fullness of truth. Questions are never wrong, but apathy and laziness are. So it’s ok if you’re wrestling with this right now, but let’s not sit in the state of uncaring. Scripturally speaking, the Lord literally says this is my body given up for you. Many left because it was a hard thing to receive. (Matthew 26:26) Traditionally speaking, there are many signs the Lord gives us to confirm this truth that He is offering His full self to us.
I recommend reading Scott Hahn’s study on the Fourth Cup that dives deep into scripture and traditional truths.
On this feast of Corpus Christi, I felt called to share this painting. This image speaks of the profound gift that is being offered us: our Lord and great Lover. Our Lady, the new tabernacle, new Ark of the Covenant, the church, and the prime example of union with the Lord, presents us her son. In this moment heaven literally touches earth and all the angels praise God for such a gift. The host shows a glimpse of the face of Christ and His precious blood dripping out in reference to countless miraculous moments that have taken place over the centuries world wide, confirming this gift being given to you and me.
Lord, the next time we receive you in Communion, we ask for the grace to be made ready for such a Divine gift. We ask for forgiveness for our apathy and unbelief, or any other ways that we have hurt you, our Love. We pray to see you in the host and wine and know your true presence. If my heart is struggling with unbelief, I give this to you, Jesus, and ask you to show me the truth; as you have said, “seek and you shall find.” We praise you and thank you for all that you are. Amen.
What are some of the symbols within this painting?
In this image you see Christ sitting on his throne as King and Lover. He gazes upon us with a loving and inviting glance, as to say, come you, my love, are invited, and he reaches out his hand waiting for us to take a hold of it. We see his wounds on his hands and feet, arrayed in gold for the victory that has taken place through the passion and death he endured. Showing the fight that he has fought for us, his bride to come home.
In the distance we see both the lion and the lamb laying next to each other, showing us what is to come in heaven but also Gods character of power and gentleness, sacrifice and fight, mercy and justice, all in one.
In this work you also will notice that there appears to be all the seasons in one moment; flowers to showcase springtime are at the foot of his throne, in the distance lush green grass shows us the summer season, past that comes autumn foliage in the trees and lastly there is a snow covered mountain in the distance to speak of the beauty of winter. In this, we are drawn in to the glory that heaven will be, as it will encompass something beyond this world! Something we can only imagine. The Mountains themselves speak of the highest ecstasies to come. To the Heights of joy and eros we will be taken up.
To Christs left notice the humming bird hovering near his heart. If you didn’t know, humming birds did not always exist, they evolved. They needed to become smaller to reach the sweet nectar they were seeking in flowers. As humming birds do, we too are to become smaller (more humble) that we may reach the sweet nectar within the sacred heart of Christ. The presence of the humming bird in this image is an invitation into humility and a guidance towards our hearts greatest longing, Christ.
Looking up you can see a golden triangle frames Christ and a white Dove flies over top of the throne, these are symbols for the Trinity, God, Three in one. The Dove is specifically the Holy Sprit.
The golden white roses placed to Jesus’ right side are also a symbol for Mary, Mother of God, Queen of Heaven, as she is seated at his right side.
If you look closely at his throne, you will notice a seashell shape near the top, this is a symbol for pilgrims. It is often used to mark journeys that pilgrims take to holy places. Ultimately, we, as pilgrims, are being lead to the holies of holies, in heaven. Furthermore, Christ is seated on the earth, representing his kingship over mankind.
At the bottom to the left there is a dark opening in the rocks that lead down into danger, this is to represent the challenge of the journey towards heaven and the choice we have in free will to choose Christ or to chose hell, aka eternity without him.
Lastly, notice his gold crown. In it you will see red rubies that are a symbol of the victory of his passion and death, his blood turned into gems. You can also see the crown of thorns still around his head, though no longer creating wounds. These serve as a reminder to the way we are to be crowned in glory, through suffering, an offering of ones self, as Christ has done.
The Bride in the Song of Songs 6:1-2
“This passage can be interpreted to explain the entire Paschal Mystery through Mary’s eyes. When the “fairest among women” is asked where her beloved is, the narrator and reader are asking her where Jesus has gone (or been placed) after his death on Calvary. The divine nuptials, which began at the Incarnation, are consummated on the cross. Mary then simply points the narrator to the Garden Tomb. While he was anointed with aromatic nard, the “spices,” he is still active in the tomb though he was dead. He leads his flock, those who have awaited his redemption into the Gardens of Life, heaven, and he goes into the abode of the dead to gather them together and bring them into their heavenly homeland. The lilies symbolize those who now experience the Resurrection.
This beautiful passage from the Song of Songs was written with someone like the person of the Virgin Mary in mind. The lover always seeks to be with the beloved, and their bond is so strong and intimate that she always knows where he is. Mary, who trusted God from the beginning, knew her Son in a unique way. Through her great hope, she tells the reader where he is at, so that the reader too can seek him, find him, and ultimately share in that tender union with him.” Father Rob Jack
A few years ago, I was suffering internally with loneliness, confusion, and great doubt, the Lord spoke to me through the wisemen, particularly through the one who gave myrrh. Over the years, images of the wisemen seemed to follow me and writings about them came to my attention. As I studied the profound messages given to us in their story, I learned some key things.
1.The wisemen studied and sought out the truth.
2.They were ready for the King.
3.They came and offered gifts to the one they longed to see.
These gifts were intentional, each with profound meaning, but the one that stood out to me during that time was Myrrh.
Myrrh comes from a small, thorny tree species of the genus Commiphora in Saba and is used for medicinal purposes, burial preparations, and healing. It also symbolized suffering. Not only did this act as a pre-figuring to Christs passion and death but it was also an offering of the wiseman’s sufferings. In essence, it was the unity of the sufferings that was the gift that day, his and Christs.
I discovered this profound truth and I realized Jesus was inviting me to do the very same, to offer up my daily sufferings, big and small, to unite them with His.
We can reflect on the trials of this year and can see how signifiant this message is for each and everyone of us. It is a call to offer our own sufferings, and furthermore, to recognizing the sufferings of another, to be united in that.
As we enter into Advent, may we reflect on preparing our gifts of suffering to give to Christ. May we be patient and trusting during our current trials and may we encounter others in their suffering, embracing them as if we are embracing the Christ Child. Let us become the one who gives Myrrh.
Jesus came into a FAMILY. This is so powerful and important for us to reflect on. Their simplicity of life and the way they loved each other is an example for us all. With great joy, they served. Here is a recent painting I completed, titled Cena, that is a reflection on family life.
The Holy Family sits around the table, peacefully. Joseph is teaching the Christ Child about the passover, foreshadowing what is to come. Christ holds the cup and lays across a red fabric, also speaking of the suffering he is to endure. Our Lady, dressed in her blue gestures an offering, an example of her very life. In the background are lilies, a traditional symbol of purity, chosen one, and those that share in the resurrection.
May this image bring you peace and hope. May you take a moment and picture yourself lounging at the table with them and learning from their great example of love.
“It is true that “the powers of death shall not prevail”, as the Lord assured (Mt 16:18), but this does not mean that we are exempt from trials and battles against the snares of the evil one.In this struggle the Archangel Michael stands alongside the Church to defend her against all the iniquities of the age, to help believers to resist the devil, who “prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).”
This battle against the devil which characterizes the Archangel Michael is still going on, because the devil is still alive and at work in the world. In fact, the evil that is in it, the disorder we see in society, the infidelity of man, the interior fragmentation of which he is a victim, are not merely the consequences of original sin, but also the effect of the dark and infesting activity of Satan, of this saboteur of man’s moral equilibrium.”
– St John Paul II
When I was praying about this image, the Lord said to me, “Mary undoes knots because her hands are open. She surrenders to My Divine will and thus, knots of her children are undone. It is My grace through her surrendering… this is the posture you too are to take, one of surrender. From here you too will help others be free.” The Lord was reminding me to let go as Our Lady so graciously does in Christ. We can entrust our cares to Our Lady for the mere fact that she is in total surrender and in union with our Divine Savior. May this image be a reminder to us to let go as Our Heavenly Mother does.
Mary, Undoer of Knots, pray for me. Virgin Mary, Mother of fair love, Mother who never refuses to come to the aid of a child in need, Mother whose hands never cease to serve your beloved children because they are moved by the divine love and immense mercy that exist in your heart, cast your compassionate eyes upon me and see the snarl of knots that exists in my life. You know very well how desperate I am, my pain, and how I am bound by these knots. Mary, Mother to whom God entrusted the undoing of the knots in the lives of his children, I entrust into your hands the ribbon of my life. No one, not even the evil one himself, can take it away from your precious care. In your hands there is no knot that cannot be undone. Powerful Mother, by your grace and intercessory power with Your Son and My Liberator, Jesus, take into your hands today this knot.
I beg you to undo it for the glory of God, once for all. You are my hope. O my Lady, you are the only consolation God gives me, the fortification of my feeble strength, the enrichment of my destitution, and, with Christ, the freedom from my chains. Hear my plea. Keep me, guide me, protect me, o safe refuge!
‘But Mary stood weeping outside the tomb. As she wept, she bent over to look into the tomb, and she saw two angels in white, sitting where the body of Jesus had been lying, one at the head and the other at the feet.
They said to her “Woman, why are you weeping?”
She said to them “They have taken away my Lord, and I do not know where they have laid him”.
When she had said this, she turned around and saw Jesus standing there, but she did not know that it was Jesus.
Jesus said to her “Woman, why are you weeping? Whom are you looking for?”
Supposing him to be the gardener, she said to him “Sir, if you have carried him away, tell me where you have laid him, and I will take him away”.
Jesus said to her “Mary!”
She turned and said to him in Hebrew “Rabbouni!” (which means Teacher).
“On Easter morning Mary found that Jesus’ body was no longer in the tomb. She was the first person to speak to Jesus after the Resurrection. She is called ‘Apostle to the Apostles’, because the risen Jesus told her to ‘go and tell’, apostellein in Greek.” Elizabeth Fletcher
This work, titled HOME, is a work that expresses the deep and giving hearts of the Holy Family. It is an invitation into their gentle, courageous, virtuous, and grace filled beings. They are an example to us all on how to live, and how to love. The structure of the family, has been given to us by God. Christ, came into a family. Joseph was given the role to protect and lead, and he does so in great humility always looking to God for guidance.
Mary is a gentle and tender heart that nurtures and builds up, constantly looking to give of herself. She is shinning beauty for her posture is always echoing her Fiat. Christ, is but a small humble child, yet, with noble dignity as He offers himself up for us. He is giving us His whole being, that we may be filled with grace. Each of their hearts are exposed for us. Christ has the rays of Divine Mercy pouring out. Let us pray with this image, and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to us.
“‘I am love and Mercy Itself. There is no misery that could be a match for My mercy, neither will misery exhaust it, because as it is being granted – it increases. The soul that trusts in My mercy is most fortunate, because I Myself take care of it.’” (Christ to ST. Faustina 1273, page 459)
Stay with me, Lord, for it is necessary to have You present so that I do not forget You. You know how easily I abandon You. Stay with me, Lord, because I am weak and I need Your strength, that I may not fall so often. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my life, and without You, I am without fervor. Stay with me, Lord, for You are my light, and without You, I am in darkness. Stay with me, Lord, to show me Your will. Stay with me, Lord, so that I hear Your voice and follow You. Stay with me, Lord, for I desire to love You very much, and always be in Your company. Stay with me, Lord, if You wish me to be faithful to You. Stay with me, Lord, for as poor as my soul is, I want it to be a place of consolation for You, a nest of love. Stay with me, Jesus, for it is getting late and the day is coming to a close, and life passes; death, judgment, eternity approaches. It is necessary to renew my strength, so that I will not stop along the way and for that, I need You. It is getting late and death approaches, I fear the darkness, the temptations, the dryness, the cross, the sorrows. O how I need You, my Jesus, in this night of exile! Stay with me tonight, Jesus, in life with all its dangers. I need You. Let me recognize You as Your disciples did at the breaking of the bread, so that the Eucharistic Communion be the Light which disperses the darkness, the force which sustains me, the unique joy of my heart. Stay with me, Lord, because at the hour of my death, I want to remain united to You, if not by communion, at least by grace and love. Stay with me, Jesus, I do not ask for divine consolation, because I do not merit it, but the gift of Your Presence, oh yes, I ask this of You! Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more. With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity. Amen
(prayer by St Padre Pio)
The Treasury is a reflection on how St Joseph truly loved Our Lady and Christ, they were his treasures. His whole heart was centered on them. This is an example for us. We are called to reflect on this time of Christ’s birth, to enter the manger and to become humble. In gazing upon our Lord we receive many virtues, virtues greater than worldly jewels. The Lord wants to adorn us with these heavenly jewels as he did the holy family. Furthermore, this image depicts the youthfulness of our Lady and even St Joseph, showing us that virtue and grace is possible at any age.
“At Bethlehem do you think that Joseph could forget his two treasures for a single instant? His whole heart was centered on them. Be like him…sink down deep into the thought of my humility as a little child. I became humble for your sake.
Would you like to come to the manger every day for lessons? Every day up to the Purification? .(…) My love wants to bestow on you my adorning jewels. These are my virtues and they are so powerful that even the worldly admire them. But you must let yourself be adorned. You must turn your will to your highest good.”
(Jesus speaking, in book titled He and I)
…and [He] said to her, “Talitha koum!” (which means “Little girl, I say to you, get up!”). Mark 5:41
A meditation on the intimacy of being called out of death into life. Christ cherishes our hearts and treats them with utmost care. He speaks to us now saying to rise from our way of death into breadth and life again.
Have you ever felt the pain of the past? A feeling of guilt, shame or simply confusion? Maybe you have wished with all your heart that you could change something, but can’t? I have. Typically, these feelings run deep and most others just would not understand your personal hurt as they didn’t experience what you did or are not going through what you are currently going through. This makes the pain even stronger.
As I sat in mass one Sunday afternoon, sadness surfaced to my heart. You see, the evil one likes to distract us and bring fear, doubt, guilt and ugly lies… he knows just how to do that, especially during holy moments like the mass. This particular Sunday I was at a polish mass with my then Fiancé, now Husband. I don’t speak polish so really it was like a nice hr of adoration/me crying out to Jesus.
Around this time, Our Lady of Guadalupe began following my husband and I. She seemed to have chosen us the moment we got engaged. He intended to propose to me in front of Our Lady of Czestochowa but providence had it that we would kneel in front of Our Lady of Guadalupe when he asked me to be his wife. Little did we know the grand joy of that slight difference. Ever since then, she would just pop up in all sorts of places that we did not expect. This particular Sunday at this beautiful polish church, SHE WAS THERE! It was just a guest visit, so to speak, as her image was traveling around, but of course she would be there when we were.
As I prayed during the homily, since I didn’t understand the polish priest, I stared at Our Lady with the past weighing me down. My heart didn’t understand nor did it know what to do with it. When I looked at Mary a sudden strength of peace overcame me and I felt Mama speak to my bleeding heart. “ I know what you felt. I know your pain. I understand your confusion then and now, and I, your Mother, am here.” With that, I felt her wrap me in her mantle of deep deep love and hope as tears fell down my cheek. Even now, as I write this memory, I weep, for her gentle presence was unmistakable.
“When one searches for the reasons why Christian art should have pictured Joseph as aged, we discover that it was in order to better safeguard the virginity of Mary. Somehow, the assumption had crept in that senility was a better protector of virginity than adolescence. Art thus unconsciously made Joseph a spouse chaste and pure by age rather than virtue…To make Joseph appear pure only because his flesh had aged is like glorifying a mountain stream that has dried. The Church will not ordain a man to the priesthood who has not his vital powers. She wants men who have something to tame, rather than those who are tame because they have no energy to be wild. It should be no different with God. …Joseph was probably a young man, strong, virile, athletic, handsome, chaste, and disciplined; the kind of man one sees sometimes shepherding sheep, or piloting a plane, or working at a carpenter’s bench. Instead of being a man incapable of love, he must have been on fire with love….Instead, then, of being dried fruit to be served on the table of the king, he was rather a blossom filled with promise and power. He was not in the evening of life, but in its morning, bubbling over with energy, strength, and controlled passion.”– Venerable Bishop Fulton Sheen, The World’s First Love
“How I do love you, my father, my strange father, born in my soul,
Father, you who were born in me to give birth to me. I did not know for many years that you had grown so much in me; for so long I did not know your face, your warm eyes, the bend of your profile — until the day I linked the immense longing in my soul precisely with you, until the day the absence had to become the presence
This painting is an artistic rendition based on an alleged apparition given to Sr Mildred Mary Neuzil (also known as Sr. Mary Ephrem) in the United States in the 1950’s. These apparitions are spoken about in the Book Consecration to St Joseph by Fr Don Calloway. ” It was a beautiful witness that reminded me of the stainlessness of heaven. then I heard these words: ” Thus should he be honored whom the King desires to honor.” Sr Mildred saw St Joseph being honored by the Angels and given a crown of glory. He was gazing upward, as if in ecstacy. She describes his face as strong and purposeful, youthful but mature.
” Everything that modern man needs to know about the greatness of St Joseph is contained in the messages given to Sr. Mary Ephrem: St Joseph’s spiritual fatherhood, virginal fatherhood, youthful appearance, kingship, crown, heart, and cloak… The apparition to Sr Mary Ephrem also teaches us that St. Joseph has an essential role in brining peace to the world.” Fr Don C
He that is the lesser among you, he is the greater. LK 9:48
I was a sophomore in college when I first heard the message of Theology of the Body. Not only did my whole life change from that moment on, I also felt like JP2 adopted me as his granddaughter. My questions about the church and why it teaches certain things all seemed to be answered in what JP2 was sharing with us, his spiritual children…but they weren’t just answered, they were explained with care and tenderness. It was in beginning to learn TOB from this kind and loving soul that I felt seen for the first time by someone who was very clearly close to our Heavenly father. He saw my own cry’s, my own questions, concerns, and needs, just as much as my talent and potential. I wasn’t just a number or someone to correct, I was loved. Maybe you too have had a similar experience with this power saint. Really it was simply encountering Christ’s love through a soul who has chosen to say yes to Christ constantly throughout his life.
I am honored when people ask me to paint this holy man in some way, I feel like I get to spend time with him a little extra during the process. Here is my most recent painting, titled, Take Care of The Bride. It is a reflection on his fatherly encounter and guidance, to his brother clergymen. The painting symbolically points to the Theology of the Body as JP2 motions upward to the Holy family, he is pointing to the Church, Christs bride. The almond shape (Mandala), is symbolic for the heavens and earth meeting (two circles meeting in the center) and also represents the entrance to the womb of the mother, where we all begin to grow first. In the holy family, you see communion and unity, you see giving and receiving, you see protecting and honoring, you see love. Mary is feeding the Christ child, as a mother cares for her children, so should the church, nurturing them with love and tenderness. Mary is overflowing from what God the father has given her and she pours it out to her child. St Joseph stands in protection holding a church and staff in hand. The Church building he holds is a call to build up the church, yes, but also to protect it, to protect the family. The Landscape in the background hints at JP2’s love for the mountains and finding God in nature and also shows how life is. We climb up many mountains in our life, some very difficult, but each bring its own beauty and a strength leading us to where God wills for us to be, not only physically but in character.
Finally, you will notice the cross in the distance. It is a famous cross in St Augustine Florida which is said to “mark the approximate site where in 1565 the cross of Christianity was first permanently planted in what is now the United States.” You also see a statue of Father Francisco López de Mendoza Grajales, who was the chaplain of an expedition of settlers that landed in St Augustine. Fr, celebrated the first Thanksgiving Mass on the grounds you see depicted here and is honored in statue for the monumental moment as well. I will note also that the actual church St Joseph holds is the Shrine of our Lady La Lache. The devotion to Our Lady of La Leche was brought over from Spain in the late 1500s,[7] and the mission grounds served as the site of the first Marian shrine in the United States. These moments of new beginnings that happened long ago, point us to a growing church and a leading from the Lord to share his love all over the world, even today.
Watch the creation process
“Improbable as it is for snow to fall during August, history tells of a snowfall that seemed more impossible, namely in Rome, Italy. August 5, 352, snow fell during the night in Rome.
There lived in the Eternal City a nobleman, John and his childless wife, who had been blessed with much of this world’s goods. They chose the Mother of God as the heir to their fortune, and at the suggestion of Pope Liberius, prayed that she might make known to them how to do this by a particular sign.
In answer, the Virgin Mother during the night of August 5, appeared to John and his wife and also to the Holy Father, Pope Liberius, directing them to build a church in her honor on the crown of the Esquiline Hill. And what would be the sign that John and his wife had requested?
“Snow will cover the crest of the hill.”
Snow rarely falls in Rome, but the flakes fell silently during that night, blanketing the peak of the historic hill. In the morning the news quickly spread and crowds gathered to throng up the hill and behold the white splendor. The snow had fallen in a particular pattern, showing the outline of the future church. When it became known that the snow was a sign from Mary, the people spontaneously added another to her long list of titles, Our Lady of the Snows.”
Contemplate the Lord gazing upon you with this charcoal study based off of the shroud of Turin. Originally done on unprimed canvas as a reflection of the cloth used to wipe the face of Christ on the way to Calvary. Notice His look as He loves you dearly, beckoning you in to His heart.
“While you are proclaiming peace with your lips, be careful to have it even more fully in your heart.” Francis of Assisi.
Mmm, these words speak powerfully to me right now, in our current culture and all it’s negativity. It is all too easy to preach good things, but to embody it is another thing, the more necessary thing!
This St Francis work has particular characteristics associated to the commissioner, one’s you do not normally see with St. Francis in art but still work just fine. Francis had a devotion to Jesus at the Nativity, hence you see him in the mountains of Assisi gazing at baby Jesus in awe and adoration. The red cardinal is a symbol of courage during dry times as this bird sticks around even in the winter. The dog, particular to the commissioner, represents fidelity. Both of these animals share powerful attributes of St. Francis. Furthermore, we see how both St Francis and baby Jesus have the wounds of the passion, foreshadowing the suffering they shared, the grand gift of Christ our Lord to us all, his humble self.
I am overjoyed this new painting is now in it's home church in Omaha!! What a humbling experience to be a part of. This painting is of a young St John Henry Newman and is installed at the JPII Newman Center parish in Omaha. He was intentionally created young to inspire the young to turn towards Christ. The moment depicted shows the moment he became a Christian. The work consists of many other key symbols to speak of his full conversion to Catholicism throughout his faith journey.
This work was very specific to the space it is in, showing a 'reflection' of the Icon of Christ that is in their stained glass window at the front of their church. It nods to St John Henry Newmans poem, Lead Kindly Light, with the ship on the shelf as he wrote that poem years later when he was ill on a ship and in danger of death but chose to surrender to God again in trust. St John lifts his heart up, enflamed with zeal for the Kingdom, and it meets the heart of Christ, speaking of his motto he took on later as a Cardinal 'heart speaks unto to heart' which speaks of his leaning into the heart of Christ but also his way of sharing the faith. Perhaps the most poignant is his expression of hope as he turns his gaze to the Lord away from liberal darkness.
This painting was sponsored by the Nicholson family who lost their beautiful son who was a young man of great virtue. It is such a powerful way of leaving a legacy of a love one, to share beauty that inspires others to turn their heart to God more. May it continue to bless this community and all who look upon. All Glory to God!
When you paint sacred works you have the opportunity to become acquainted with many holy people. Meet Blessed Alvaro, a special friend of St. John Paul II. Bl. Alvaro was a man of great zeal and joy. I asked him to assist me in my painting, as it is a marvelous benefit to have heavenly helpers.
“I allowed them to crown Me with a crown of thorns; I allowed them to mock Me and to spit on My Holy Face (March 3rd, 1989) I then felt someone wiping My Face. (November 9th, 1986) Vassula, yes, look into My Face. To have seen Me, consoles Me. Tell them that it takes so little to console Me. Come and praise Me, loving Me.” (June 7th, 1987)(Meditations from True Life in God)
May we take time to wipe the face of Christ.
The surest way to a peaceful heart is through the Mercy of God. This painting, Misericordiae Invitatio, aims at pulling the viewer outside of time and drawing one in to see how we have responded personally to God’s Love, a choice of receptivity or rejection. In this work, one simultaneously sees the example of Adam and Eve’s separation and despair due to the rejection of God, The Father, while Mary, our Blessed Mother, is radiating harmony and union during the first moment of conception as she responds openly and trustingly to God’s invitation. Mary gives her fiat as Adam and Eve turn toward lies. Furthermore, as a result of grace, the dead tree from the fall is linked to the blooming tree that surrounds Mary ablaze. She and Christ are given to mankind as the new Adam and Eve for salvation history. This work is clear in sharing that God has a plan and Mary and Jesus are not a second thought in God’s salvation but a purposeful gift for all the fallen. A blue Iris that grows near to Adam’s gaze symbolizes the hope and a promise in love. Where we have attached ourselves to death and lies, hope and love still remain a gift offering. Thus, we are invited into God’s Mercy daily (Misericordiae Invitatio) where we too can be set ablaze upon entering into a deeper union with Christ, as Mary our Mother exemplifies.
Totus Tuus – ‘All Yours’ – was Pope John Paul II’s motto, having entrusted his life, his priesthood, his ‘all’ to Mary.
“This phrase is not only an expression of piety, or simply an expression of devotion. It is more. During the Second World War, while I was employed as a factory worker, I came to be attracted to Marian devotion. At first, it had seemed to me that I should distance myself a bit from the Marian devotion of my childhood, in order to focus more on Christ. Thanks to Saint Louis de Montfort, I came to understand that true devotion to the Mother of God is actually Christocentric, indeed, it is very profoundly rooted in the Mystery of the Blessed Trinity, and the mysteries of the Incarnation and Redemption.” JPII
“Siempre Adelante, Nunca Atras,” A motto that Junipero Serra Lived by that translates to “Always forward, never back.” This Franciscan friar founded several California missions, that many hold dear to their hearts. I have to admit, I did not know much about this amazing saint until this past winter. Providentially, this work was in the making months before all the attacks against this saint. It has been a quiet prayer creating this painting for a man who strived to love well, one who particularly sought to uphold the dignity of the natives who were mistreated. I pray we seek to find new ways to uphold the dignity of all lives, especially those who have no voice and those who are being mistreated. In this way, may we be always Moving Forward, never back. St Junipero Serra, Pray for us.
In this painting, you see a pathway that continues on and St Junipero humbly walking along it. The two doves follow along, representing us following the path as well. Our Lady of Guadalupe is present, referencing not only his love to Mary, but his journey that took place to Mexico. Furthermore, he is just outside the Carmel mission church in California, one of many he help founded.
This painting speaks of a moment in the gospel of John when Jesus was going to his friend who passed away, Lazarus. The other apostles warn Jesus not to go given it was dangerous for him, but Thomas stands up and says, "Let us go and die with Him." This shows us a glimpse of the courage he did have. Following the resurrection he traveled in to countries like India to share the good news and eventually died by a spear.
It is very poignant that his feast falls near the 4th of July, the day America celebrates freedom. As it is something for us to contemplate, that is, what do we do with the freedom we have been given? Do we follow Christ ALL THE WAY or do we run in fear from things He is asking us to do? Are we willing to die with Christ? Are we willing to help others in need, especially those who are in need of knowing the Lord?
Another aspect to this commission is the reminder that Christ raises Lazarus from the dead. Recalling this should give us hope as in Christ ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE. We must keep our hope in Him alone!! This is where our courage will remain firm despite any challenges we face.
So if you are like most of us who experience moments of doubt, may St Thomas be a further witness of someone who continued on in faith !!
All work is the sole property of Katelyn Capato and may not be used or reproduced in any way without permission.