
Faith-filled movement to inspire the soul

Catholic Contemporary Dance


Kate Capato continues her mission of beauty into movement as she shares the stirrings of her heart, the promptings of the Lord, and the mysteries of the faith through dance. At the Sacred Beauty Events or in collaboration with your faith-filled project, Kate offers the option to share dance as another means of evangelization. 

Created Body and Soul, the lord pulls us into His very self! Dance is one way to praise him in such a gift. It is also a way to encounter him!

The Body isn't to be feared

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 Inspired, Kate joyfully partakes in the restoration of our culture and the restoration of who we are as Man and Woman by saying yes to the Lord's promptings as He moves her to paint, speak, dance, and travel.

Kate is awestruck by how intricately woven we are as children of the Creator and how all of creation is singing a love song revealing our identity and purpose.

transformed by St. John Paul II's teachings of The Theology of The Body

Bring Faith-filled Movement to your next Event!

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