How to Bring Kate and Her Husband, Pawel, to Your Area!

So you’ve eyed up Kate’s work…

…and see that she offers presentations on beauty but you have not been able to attend any since they have not been near you?? Well, the good news is, Kate and her husband Pawel WILL TRAVEL TO YOU!! But they need your help to make this a reality!

This mission works best through your personal connections! So what can you do??

1. Reach out to your personal contact at your local Parish/School/Community, either to the Pastor, event coordinator, principle etc and recommend us to them. Let them know you are interested in having us come with original art to share about God’s beauty!!

2. When you ask if they would be open to having them come and present there, you can share all you have seen and a bit more about the mission

The Mission:

For the past 8 years, the Lord has called Kate to a unique mission of beauty within the church. The art process can, oftentimes, be one that remains hidden, but going on art tours allows Kate to take what is created in the silence and offer it as a personal encounter for those who come to the events.

One of the strongest driving motivations for offering these art events is the culture’s current need for beauty. Praying with original artwork and beholding beauty is a practice that we do not often experience in this day and age, but it is one of strong effort and supreme importance. There is a unique power that beauty has to help us encounter the Lord and make sense of His divine nature. Beauty not only helps us pray, but it has the power to pierce our hearts to receive the truth. In today’s culture, the world is leaning ever closer to the relativism mindset and has started to lose its concept of any objective truth. Beauty helps us to receive and make sense of what is true through its unthreatening and relatable nature. Encountering truth through beauty is much needed today.

The Presentations:

That being said, Kate and her husband, Pawel  travel around sharing their talents of painting and music as a way to share God’s love. Typically, they start with a presentation and finish with a time of prayer with her original sacred art paintings and his live music. It is even more powerful when they are able to have the blessed sacrament exposed for the live prayer, when possible! There are several topics they work under the umbrella of Beauty and can mold it as needed to work best with your community.

3. Once they share their interested, direct them to the contact form to get them connected to Kate, personally, to take the next steps!!

God willing, Kate and Pawel will soon be with you and diving into beauty!!

Kate Capato

Kate is a Sacred Art Painter, Inspirational Speaker, and Faith-filled Movement artist on a mission to spread God's love through beauty! Her inspiration comes from prayerful encounters with the Lord, and the rich traditions of our Catholic faith. When she's not creating something faith inspired, Kate is often traveling all over the world with her hubby soaking in the wonders of God's creation, or spending time with family and friends to live every moment to the fullest. To see her work, visit her portfolio below and share in this mission of spreading truth and goodness.

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