Communion of Saints

Have you ever reflected

on the the concept of time, particularly how those beyond this world are outside of it, not confined by it any longer? I think about this often. We are set in the this moment in time, because that is all we can handle as humans, but the angelic, those who have passed away, and God himself are not bound by time. In the wonder of the saints, we can know them full well here and now, even if they were living centuries before us, because they are no longer bound by time. Whoa!

This is crazy for us to think about but it is true. We see this in many ways confirmed. Have you ever prayed a novena to St Theresa the Little Flower or know someone who has? Typically, with this novena you ask for a rose to be given to you as a sign for the answer you seek or whatever request you are asking for her to intercede on your behalf. Well, it works! Roses abound with that novena because St Theresa is alive and here with us when we request her assistance for prayer. She is face to face with Christ now in heaven, as one who endured the sufferings of this life and through our Lord was proved worthy to be with Him for all eternity. Now, she has the privilege of helping us in prayer from the other side. Isn’t this so cool?!

That being said, all the angels and saints are in the same position, so to speak, and ready to walk with us on our journey.  Of course I was delighted to paint a work based on this.  A Moment in Prayer, is a painting reflecting on this communion of saints, particularly St Joseph, Mary, St Theresa, and St JP2.  You are well aware that they were not alive at the same time and it can be odd to see them in such a common walk together.  Yet it is speaking of their true encounter, united by Christ. St Theresa of Calcutta and St John Paul the great were so devoted to prayer and invoking our Lady and Joseph for assistance regularly. They viewed the Holy Family as a model of life and frequently sought to learn from them, and the Holy family truly responded to those requests.

What do they learn from each other? Many many beautiful things. As men and women of great virtue, they were transformed by Christ and thus witness to the Characteristics of God himself living within them. Each person tends to show a particular grace, sometimes many, that are extra special to them, revealing a unique aspect of God himself through that person. With this image there is a call to see the relationship between man and woman in a holy pure way. On the left, we see Virgin Mary pregnant with Christ and lead by St Joseph, while on the right there is Mother Theresa and JP2 connected in their walk reaching out to the Holy Family. There is a subtle point being shown here of their beautiful bond as man and woman in two different vocations, that shares the same end goal. Marriage and Religious life brings a call to pure relations in unique ways, but both are called to chastity and living to love the other as a gift. Both are called to seek God above all, before anything else. Through this, life is born. All four of these saints were one’s who suffered much but who also are witnesses of great love to the whole world. They were not empty. They were filled with Christ and shared in their walk to our heavenly home!

What is the key? Prayer. All four of these saints prayed often. St JP2 had extremely busy days and any time he would be near a chapel, he would go in. It was quiet humors actually, as sometimes people would avoid showing him where it was so that he would be on time for a meeting, yet he would always find it and spend much time in communion with Christ and the saints.  Mr Theresa would add more prayer time to her religious order when the sisters began to complain about all the work that needed to be done. With this she knew, that their fuel was in the prayer and thus they were able to complete all they had before them with much more ease. Though we do not hear much about St Joseph, we know he was a prayerful man who sought the Lords will and did it. Apparitions speak about how often he conversed with God, even as a young boy. Uniquely, many of his prayers were answered while he slept. Showing the power of handing it over to God. Finally, Our Lady contemplated everything in her heart in prayer which bore the Christ Child in her womb!

The prayers continue and are more powerful now that they are face to face with God the Father. All the saints are ready and earnest to help us and, honestly, to be our friends. Out side of time now, they come to us at our humble requests and turn us closer to Christ. May you spend time reflecting on this image and take a moment in prayer, daily,  requesting all your heavenly friends to come too.

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Kate Capato

Kate is a Sacred Art Painter, Inspirational Speaker, and Faith-filled Movement artist on a mission to spread God's love through beauty! Her inspiration comes from prayerful encounters with the Lord, and the rich traditions of our Catholic faith. When she's not creating something faith inspired, Kate is often traveling all over the world with her hubby soaking in the wonders of God's creation, or spending time with family and friends to live every moment to the fullest. To see her work, visit her portfolio below and share in this mission of spreading truth and goodness.

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