2024 Sacred beauty art tour.

Help Your Parish Embrace Beauty

You may recognize your parish struggles…

…with the idea of bringing sacred art back into their church. Maybe they don’t like change and think art would simply be a distraction. Or maybe they feel the money can be better spent elsewhere? These aren’t new challenges you are facing, though I understand the dilemma when you wish you could simply re-do everything you see in one swoop. So what is the solution to this current challenge?

It has been some time since the church at large really understood the great need for beauty in our lives, though it’s getting better with this topic! That being said, it’s not a permanent issue and can, in fact , be seen as an opportunity to share the faith in a whole new way!

Key things you can do to help your parish better embrace
the idea of bringing sacred beauty back into your church


Begin to pray for your parish in this particular way. Ask Jesus to create an awareness of the need for beauty and a desire to make it a reality in their parish. Offer sacrifices for this very this special intention and let the grace flow!


I recommend educating your parish of the deep value of sacred art as one of the transcendentals.

  • You could begin a book study group with a book that highlights this. Some suggestions are:
    • God is Beauty by Karol Wojtyla
    • The Return of the Prodigal Son – A Story of Homecoming by Henri J.M. Nouwen
    • Beauty – What it is & Why it Matters by John-Mark L. Miravalle
    • Art & Prayer – The Beauty of Turning to God by Timothy Verdon
  • Hold several sacred art events. Either host an art exhibit or invite a speaker to come in and share about beauty. Maybe even have them attempt to create their own art! Make it a very special night filled with good food, art, sacred music, and of course, Jesus! When people begin to experience beauty on their own, they start to understand just how important it truly is. (Fun fact, we will totally come to your parish to help make this a reality! Learn more here)
  • Send out educational podcasts or articles on the value of beauty through your newsletters


Start small with bringing in some prints and sharing them with folks as they come in. Maybe highlight them monthly on an easel. Talk about their meanings and symbolism. Let them see why you are so aware of Gods love through beauty and get them excited about it too. 

As you invest in pouring into your parish through beauty you will begin to see hearts shift and a ripple of grace will flow. From there, you can start to introduce them to the idea of bigger shifts in your parish such as bringing in stunning sacred art.

ST Mike Painting by Kate Capato


Kate Capato

Kate is a Sacred Art Painter, Inspirational Speaker, and Faith-filled Movement artist on a mission to spread God's love through beauty! Her inspiration comes from prayerful encounters with the Lord, and the rich traditions of our Catholic faith. When she's not creating something faith inspired, Kate is often traveling all over the world with her hubby soaking in the wonders of God's creation, or spending time with family and friends to live every moment to the fullest. To see her work, visit her portfolio below and share in this mission of spreading truth and goodness.

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